916 316 9960 wmiddletonm@yahoo.com


We offer a full range of professional fiduciary services.


We have developed a stong community of professionals to meet our clients personal and financial needs. 

About Us

Wendy became a California Lisenced Private Fiduciary and started Fiduciary Services.

Wendy Moore, RG, CLPF #203


Before beginning Wendy Moore Fiduciary Services, Wendy worked for a decade in private care facility finance and office management. During this time she was introduced to the field of private fiduciaries. Seeing an opportunity to play more effective role in people’s life she enrolled in Cal State Fullerton and became certified in Fiduciary Management and Conservatorship and gained the title Registered Guardian and California Lisenced Private Fiduciary. Fiduciary Services has been growing each year and taking on new clients, challenges and strengthening its professional network. With each case Wendy continues to demonstrate her commitment to the care of her clients.

Our Network

Wendy Moore Fiduciary is engaged with a network of licensed professionals on every client and case. Lawyers, gerontologists, medical doctors, accountants, care facilities and their staff all work in careful collaboration to fulfil every need and client concern.


California Licensed Private Fiduciary (CLPF) plays a vital role assisting the day-to-day finances and healthcare decisions of independent and in-need persons. Fiduciaries serve as a trusted partner coordinating their client’s wishes to family, healthcare providers, caregivers, attorneys, financial specialists. By specializing in a wide understanding of many specific convers fiduciaries are able to put their client’s needs first and foremost in urgent and sensitive times.


Hourly Fees: All fiduciary and related services provided are billed at a rate of $165 per hour.

Our Fiduciary Services Include:

· Trust Administration
· Probate Administration
· Daily Money Management
· Durable Power of Attorney 
· VA Legal Custodian

Trust & Estate Administration


External Resources:

(Clicking on a link below will leave our website.)

California Professional Fiduciaries Bureau www.fiduciary.ca.gov Professional Fiduciary Association of California www.pfac-pro.org California Department of Social Services www.dss.cahwnet.gov Alzheimer’s Association www.alz.org California Department on Aging http://www.aging.ca.gov Family Caregiving Alliance – National Center on Caregiving http://www.caregiver.org

Contact Us Directly

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